Mattia: cosa ho imparato dal mio Work and Travel

Il rientro da Ocean City? Uno shock, ora devo riabituarmi all'Italia! Mattia ci racconta, in inglese, il suo Work and Travel a Ocean City: I can't believe it but we're at the end, the end of these 3 months in Ocean City, it seems like yesterday that I took that plane, scared and excited at the same time. While I'm emptying the drawers, all the moments I lived are passing by in my mind, and I'm gonna miss each one of them like never before.

I'll miss the people waving on the street, the days at the beach, the friends. You know what? I'm also gonna miss humidity, the endless days of work and my dear "south beach"(the Freddies Crew know what I'm talking about).

During this period I probably found myself more than in every other period of my life. I understood many things and everything really helped me unlock many doors, it helped me see life from a different perspective. I feel changed and I know that I am.
Therefore I wanna say thank you all, thanks to all the fantastic people I met that helped me paint my "holidays" with thousands of different shades, everyone in their own personal way, like a beautiful rainbow with thousands of different colours that together create an outstanding sight.
Thanks to those who stood by me, to those who helped me, to the ones who comfortate me, and I also wanna thank those who yelled at me, because in one way or another you helped me grow and become a better person than when I left.

Mattia Margini, Work and Travel USA a Ocean City, Maryland

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