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Martina: il primo anno di università in Georgia

Martina Rainis viene dalla provincia di Udine ma, in realtà, è una cittadina del Mondo! Nell’anno scolastico 2011/2012 è stata un’Exchange Student di Mondo Insieme a Laguna Niguel, in California. Si è diplomata brillantemente presso il Liceo Classico Europeo di Udine, e ad Agosto 2014 è partita tramite il nostro programma Campus USA (, con una borsa di studio garantita per quatto anni, per la Georgia. Ecco il suo feedback:

Martina Rainis, Sophomore – Business, Italy

“When I first arrived at Georgia Southern, I was afraid that I would not fit in. I have a strong accent and was afraid people would not understand me and that I would not be able to make any friends. Georgia Southern proved to be the exact opposite – everyone is so nice and welcoming. Americans, in general, love to meet students from a different country.

At Georgia Southern, I have never felt out of place or left out – that’s what I love the most about Georgia Southern. I am more than just one of the 20,000 students attending this school, I am a part of a welcoming community. It did not take me long to understand that I am here not only to study and get a degree but also to experience something new, something that the Italian universities would have not been able to offer me. During my freshman year I had the opportunity to join different clubs, make a lot of friends and also find a job. Getting involved is one of the keys to success here at Georgia Southern. I joined the American Marketing Association, have an on-campus job in the University bookstore, and served as an orientation leader to welcome all the new international students to Georgia Southern. One of my points of pride has been achieving good grades in all my classes, making the Dean’s List and my parents proud. I am very proud of what I have achieved in only one year and I am sure that the next three years at Georgia Southern are going to be as great as the past one. I couldn’t have made a better decision than to come to Georgia Southern University!”

Continua così Martina, stai andando alla grande e siamo fieri di te!

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