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Lorenzo Cambielli, Exchange Student in Arizona, estende il suo Choice Plus Program:

Chi ci scrive oggi è Lorenzo Cambielli, Exchange Student partito 3 mesi fa per un semestre con il programma Choice Plus High School con destinazione Scottsdale (Arizona). La sua esperienza è stata così positiva che ha deciso di estenderla fino alla fine dell’anno scolastico. Il suo entusiasmo è davvero contagioso e siamo molto felici di poter condividere con voi le foto che ci ha inviato e le sue parole:

“I am doing fantastic. My family is super sweet, they always help me, they give me a lot of good advice. They have been very important for me, especially during the first two months, when I did not know a lot of people here. They introduced me to lovely groups of people. The weather in Arizona is special, today it is November 18th and the temperature is still nice, around 18/20 degrees.

I have met so many new friends, we keep hanging out together, going to the cinema and doing a lot of fun stuff. I have been to professional baseball games, college and high school football games, high school hockey games, concerts and a lot more fun events. Next week I am going to New York with my family and I am super excited about that. We have just finished to decorate the house with trees, lights, and snowmen and I am starting to feel the Christmas spirit. I cannot wait to spend Thanksgiving, Christmas and all the other holidays with them. My adventure is going great and I could not be more happy. Kindly regards, Lorenzo”.

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